Can we say we are fully committed, fully and wholly surrendered if we have not love? When Jesus' disciple asked him, "Lord, Lord, what is the greatest commandment?" Jesus could not separate one single greatest. To God, His response was one in the same - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself."
It's that simple. Love God. Love others.
Why then, if it's that simple do we struggle so much to truly love others. Why do we struggle to forgive? Luke 6 tells us that we are to "do good to those who hate us." Wow! How often have we done that, and yet that is exactly what God is calling us to do.
I'm moved by a book I just finished reading. Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This is a challenging book that, prayerfully, will move you into action. Move you - and me - out of our comfort zones and into the love God has called, actually, commanded us to have and use.
"The average Christian in America spends 10 minutes per day with God. The average American spends 4 HOURS per day watching TV." It is no wonder, when you read those statistics that Christians are not having the impact on our "neighbors" that God had intended.
Annie Dillard wrote that, "The way we live out our days is the way we will live out our lives." That is a powerful statement. Do you spend your day asking God, "What can I do for you? Where do you want me to serve? Who do you want me to show love to today?" Do you spend your time basking in the love of Christ, in His presence and in His grace, or do you waste your day away working feverishly, trying to attain the world's approval, the world's definition of success - the American Dream, or trying to prove to yourself that you are worth something? Do you waste your day away watching TV, playing video games, or gossiping?
What we fill our time with is how we live out our day and it's how we will live out our lives. Matthew 6:21 tells us, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be." God's words are so true - the things that are important to us will be the things that consume our time and energy each day... and throughout our lives.
Francis Chan says this, "If one person "wastes" away his day by spending hours connecting with God, and the other person believes he is too busy or has better things to do than to worship the Creator and Sustainer, who is the crazy one?
About 2 years ago, I made a choice that I did not want to just let life happen and "get by". I didn't want to trust that I was doing "just fine" - I wanted to know that the legacy I was (and am) leaving was a legacy built on loving others and giving Him my all. Now, there are days when that may not happen, but still, a choice was made and on the whole, I choose to fully follow Him, to not just let life pass me by, but to actively pursue my Creator. I have not looked back since then and the journey I'm on has been such an enjoyable one. Actually, enjoyable is not even a strong enough description for the impact that actively pursuing Him has had on my life.
Chan was asked this question while he was in college, "Francis, what are you doing right now that requires faith?" He goes on to say how much that question challenged him because at that point in his life he could not think of one single thing he was doing that was challenging his faith.
So, I ask that question to you? What are you doing in your life that is challenging YOUR faith?
For me, I can't say much of anything at the moment. I can think of a past example - when my husband started his company. That really challenged us to trust that God would provide. We went without a paycheck for 9 months. We went from 6-figures.... to nothing. Nothing at all. $0. Not once was I ever afraid that we would not have our basic needs met. If we lost our house, as I told my husband, then we lost it. If we lost our possessions, then we lost them.
What I wanted to know was this: Is our family in tact? Do we have our faith, each other, laughter, and health? The answer was always yes! All the rest was mere icing on the cake.
But, this question has challenged me today. I cannot think of anything I am really doing that requires faith. I am believing and praying for several of my friends breaking marriages. I am believing for my sister to come to Christ, for my niece to have the opportunity to know Him and learn about the Bible. I am even believing to make an impact on the world around me - but the question is not really asking that. It's a much more challenging question than that.
Faith, through Webster's Dictionary says this: 1. confidence or trust in a person or thing.
Hebrews 11:1 tells us this, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
When was the last time we, in our plush American life-styles (and that even include our "poor") truly had to sacrifice it all and have true, real, unadulterated faith in Him?
So, the question I have found myself asking is this: What would it look like to TRULY love God. Not this "one-time sinners prayer, now all is well" kind of love. Not the kind of love that says, "I'll obey you if it's convenient for me and fits into my American Dream kind of plan. But instead, the love that Jesus required His followers to have.
In Luke 9:57-62, Jesus invited people to follow him (this would make up His 12 disciples) and this is what was said:
"As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, "Foxes have dens and birds have nest, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." He said to another man, "Follow me." But, he replied, "Lord, first let me go bury my father." Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family." Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."
There is a HUGE cost to following Him and truly serving Him. Have we, as Americans REALLY considered that cost? Even our poor in this country still eat daily, can afford to smoke a $6 pack of cigarettes and can find money drink away their problems. The wealthy, they are chasing a happiness that will never come to them. Jesus was pretty clear - follow me and homeless may be in store for you. Follow me and you may not see your family again, but those are the costs of following Him.
I don't know about you, but that's what I want. That kind of "all in" heart with God. There are people overseas that are sacrificing everything for the chance to be in the presence of the very same Father we deny, or push under the carpet until a loved one is sick or money is tight. They are sacrificing their livelihoods, their families, and their own lives so that others will have the opportunity to hear about God's goodness and grace.
Do we have that kind of true love? Do we - do I - have that same kind of faith it takes to truly pick up our cross and follow Jesus?
2 Corinthians 5:10, "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil."
What can you change in your life that moves you from being a lukewarm Christian to a mighty warrior for Christ?